Roman, Italian and original Amatrice recipes, since 1971. Good quality Mediterranean fish and meat, also excellent raw and seafood. Fine selection of wines. Family run with a special touch. Pleasant atmosphere and style.
Ricette romane, italiane e originali di Amatrice, dal 1971. Pesce e carne mediterranei di buona qualità, ottimi anche i crudi e i frutti di mare. Ottima selezione di vini. Gestione familiare con un tocco speciale. Atmosfera e stile piacevoli.
Not far from Olympic Stadium, Foro Italico, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and via Camilluccia Embassies (only 1,6km away in the hilly area just above).
Non lontano dallo Stadio Olimpico, dal Foro Italico, dal Ministero degli Affari Esteri e dalle Ambasciate di via Camilluccia (a soli 1,6 km nella zona collinare appena sopra).
Largo Cervinia 12
00135 Rome
Area/district: Monte Mario
Tel: +39 06 3550 8721
Price 35-60 Euro
Opening Hours:
Monday Closed
Tuesday 12:00 – 15:00, 19:30 – 23:30
Wednesday12:00 – 15:00, 19:30 – 23:30
Thursday12:00 – 15:00, 19:30 – 23:30
Friday12:00 – 15:00, 19:30 – 23:30
Saturday12:00 – 15:00, 19:30 – 23:30
Sunday: 12:00 – 15:00, 19:30 – 23:30

Igor W. is deeply web experience. He’s expertise is on the internet and apps for iOS iPhone, iPad & Android., New Media , Technology and Publishing.
Among the various activities has published a book about Bitcoin and the Deep Web, Darkweb and Bitcoin, la nuova era della rete